Digital Media Production:
Dordt University
Prepare. Create. Inspire.

Dordt College,
Digital Media Production

Dordt's Digital Media production program is ... well ... it's different. You'll learn everything you need to know about film making and how media works and how it fits into our culture and how it impacts the brain and how we relate to media and how we create media and all that good stuff. But what sets Dordt's program apart is 1) Perspective and 2) Approach to learning.
We believe all truth is God's truth. As we look at the incredible role media plays in our society and the way it influences culture, we believe Christians need to be front and center in this industry, speaking truth. We don't have a choice. It's not optional. Whether that's Hollywood films, sit-coms, corporate films, independent films, documentary films, advertising, public relations or more, Christians have a huge role to play in the media industry. Dordt is all over that.
Approach to Learning.
We do a lot of great stuff in the classroom. We create advertisements that appear on national TV, we make documentary films, we enter our work in competitions and film festivals, and we always do our work in groups because film making is the most collaborative of the arts. But we do so much more than that. Students have plenty of opportunties to get involved in real-world projects through our very own production company, Prairie Grass Productions. PGP gets students into places like Mexico City, Nairobi, Kenya, the Navajo reservation in Arizona or on a farm right here in Sioux County. These are real projects with real clients, real deadlines and real paychecks. These are the kinds of opportunties that get you ready to walk across the stage at your graduation, receive your diploma from President Hoekstra, and go out and claim your place in God's world!
© Copyright 2014 by Prairie Grass Productions, Dordt College