Prairie Grass Productions
PGP is Dordt's production company. Think of it as the business-side of the Digital Media major. It's how students get amazing opportunties to produce media for real clients and real deadlines.
It's one of the things that makes Dordt's Digital Media program stand apart from the rest.
Here's a sampling of some of the things we do.
Prairie Grass Productions
Dordt College
Rental Housing: Landlords and Tenants
Year of Production: 2018
Run Time: 11:14
English-speaking landlords and Spanish-speaking tenants are often talking past each other. One may think the other understands, but without very clear communication, misunderstandings take place. That's why Sioux County Community Health Partners, Promise Community Health Center and CASA of Sioux County worked with Prairie Grass Productions to produce this very practical bilingual video. Landlords and prospective tenants can stand together in the kitchen and watch this on a phone before doing the walkthru, and certainly before signing any papers.
Prairie Arts Historical Park, Sheldon, Iowa
Year of Production: 2018
Run Time: 6:39
There's a group of historians and preservationists in the Sheldon, Iowa area who have worked very hard over the years to bring together four one-room country school houses, in an attempt to help preserve an era of American education that is all but gone. According to them, this park is the only place in the world where you can find this many one-room school houses of differing architectural styles. In anticipation of a national conference on the subject, this group asked us to come in and help tell the story of the era, and some of those who experienced these very buildings.
Winner of the Gold 2018 Hermes Creative Award.
Iowa Victim Service Call Center commercial
Year of Production: 2018
Run Time: :30
This .30 commercial will run across the State of Iowa, to promote the call center located at the Family Crisis Center in Sioux Center, Iowa. This organization is responsible for all domestic violence crisis calls across the entire state. The commercial will run in every corner of Iowa to get the message across.
BELIZE: Presbyterian Day School of Corozal, Belize
Year of Production: 2018
Run Time: 6:50
The Presbyterian Day School (PDS) is just a few miles from the border of Mexico, yet it's impact is felt all over Belize. Adam Dekleine, Kaitlyn Frye, Kendra Nydam, Hayden Veurink and Mark Volkers traveled to Corozal, Belize to help tell the story of the large impact of this small school.
Winner of the Gold 2018 Hermes Creative Award.
Rock Valley Christian School
Year of Production: 2018
Run Time: 5:00
We've had the privilege over the years of working with RVCS to help them tell their story, and what a story it is. This school in N'W Iowa does such a good job of educating children in the three R's, but infused with a Christian worldview. Check out this video to see what they have on the menu!
Rocket Manufacturing
Year of Production: 2018
Run Time: 4:34
When the governor of the State references your organization on stump speeches, you know something good is happening. Rocket Manufacturing is a unique educational experiment taking place at the High School in Rock Valley, Iowa. Students are gaining valuable education and experience in preparation for rewarding careers in manufacturing. It's so good that schools from around the nation are coming to take a look.
Family Crisis Center
Year of Production: 2017
Run Time: 10:31
Winner of Gold MarCom Award and Two Gold Telly Awards.
Family Crisis Centers provides services to adults and children victimized in domestic violence and human trafficking in 17 Iowa counties, as well as a 24 hour statewide call center serving victims and survivors of domestic violence. The FCC asked us to help tell their story. We were delighted to do so.
CACE: Valley Christian School, Dublin, Califonia
Year of Production: 2017
Running time: 4:32 min
CACE is the Center for the Advancement of Christian Education and the mission of CACE is to see Christian schools across the nation, flourish and thrive. A team of experts helps walk schools through their unique circumstances. Listen to the story of Valley Christian School in Dublin, California, as they talk about their experiences with CACE.
"Balisana" The Shepherds of Lesotho
Year of Production: 2016
Running time: 7:43 min
In the mountains of Lesotho, southern Africa, an intrepid group of young men is working to reach the almost-unreached Shepherds of Lesotho, the Balisana. This film was produced with the help of Mark Eekhoff, Ellen Dengah, Connor Neal, Nathan Walter and Jessica Lillo. The Client is AIM--Africa Inland Mission.
2017: "Balisana" won two Telly Awards and a Hermes Creative Award.
CACE: Intermountain Christian School, Salt Lake City
Year of Production: 2017
Running time: 4:47 min
CACE is the Center for the Advancement of Christian Education and the mission of CACE is to see Christian schools across the nation, flourish and thrive. A team of experts helps walk schools through their unique circumstances. Listen to the story of Intermountain Christian School in Salt Lake City as they talk about their experiences with CACE.
Justice For All
Year of Production: 2016
Running time: 4:35
Justice for All--JFA--has been helping people for over 30 years now. Based in Rock Valley, Iowa, JFA works with the disenfranchised from North Dakota to Mississippi to Mexico to Haiti. A new opportunity to help recently opened up in one Utah's polygamy communities. Watch this short film for an overview of what JFA is doing to help bring Justice, to all.
Promise Community Health Center
Year of Production: 2016
Running time: 7:00 min
Promise Community Health Center is a unique, one-stop place for medical care, vision care, dental care and mental health care, right in SIoux Center, Iowa. This version has Spanish subtitles.
TFN-Truckers' Friends Network
Year of Production: 2015
Running time: 4:00 min
TFN is a committed group of people who love the men and women driving 18 wheelers across North America. Their story--and the people they impact--is inspiring. (4-minute version)
TFN-Truckers' Friends Network
Year of Production: 2015
Running time: 10:00 min
TFN is a committed group of people who love the men and women driving 18 wheelers across North America. Their story--and the people they impact--is inspiring. (10-minute version)
Giving Day 2015
Year of Production: 2015
Running time: 1:19 min
Dordt's first-ever online giving day! And what a day it was! People from around the world got involved and helped their alma mater.
Prison Boundaries Prison After Care (4 min)
Year of Production: 2014
Running time: 4:00 min
Kingdom Boundaries is a group in Sioux Falls, SD that helps men make the adjustment back to "normal" life after a stint in prison. The transformation is nothing short of remarkable.
STEMM (Siouxland Tanzania Education Medical Ministry)
Year of Production: 2014
Running time: 8:32 min
Nearly 20 years ago, Dr. Steve Meyer of Sioux City, Iowa, went on a mission trip to Tanzania, and it changed his life. STEMM was founded soon after that trip and since then, countless lives have been impacted through orphanage work, medical work and education. Tanzania is one of the world's poorest countries and has 1 surgeon for every 100,000 people. STEMM is playing a big role in working with the people of Tanzania for time and for eternity. A group of Dordt digital media students had the privilege of going to Tanzania to work, and help create this promotional piece for them.
ViBella Jewelry
Year of Production: 2014
Running time: .30 seconds
ViBella is an amazing company that helps women in Haiti and Mexico get out of poverty by fashioning exquisite jewelry from old plastic bottles and other materials. This .30 commercial aired nationally to help them tell their story in the USA.
Atlas of Orange City
Year of Production: 2014
Running Time: .30 seconds
Each Fall, the Orange City branch of Atlas sponsors a walk to raise awareness and support of those who need a little extra help in life. This .30 commercial aired regionally to help tell that story.
Youth Unlimited
Year of Production: 2013
Running time: 3:55
Dordt's Digital Media department had the privilege of working with Youth Unlimited out of Grand Rapids, Mich to produce this piece to help tell the story of SERVE groups. These groups of high school kids serve the underprivileged in cities and rural areas across the US and Canada. This piece was shot in London, Ontario; Sioux Falls, SD; Pittsburgh, PA and Chicago.
Communities of Fusion
Year of Production: 2012
Running TIme: 12:31 min
Communities of Fusion is a cooperation of organizations based outside of Nampula, Mozambique. They provide opportunities for education and agriculture to local communities. Communities of Fusion aims to transform the physical, emotion, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of people's lives through their influence. This award-winning video was produced by Jayson Korthuis and Justin Gloudemans while doing a study-abroad semester in Nairobi, Kenya.
Taj Mahal Hyperlapse
Year of Production: 2013
Running Time: 18 seconds
A hyperlapse is quite different than a time lapse. A Hyperlapse is many--in this case, hundreds--of still photos taken in careful sequence, then stitched together in After Effects, inported into Avid and incorporated with a bigger story. Shot on a Canon by Jeremy Victor, Dale Vande Griend and Mark Volkers.
Year of Production: 2012
Running time: 14:58
A whole bunch of Dordt students fanned out across Mexico to produce this wonderful piece about what God is doing in Mexico through an organization called Christian Reformed World Missions (CRWM). It was a fantastic opportunity to work with this great group to tell a story about redemption and change.
Ep 1: "Mumbai, Chris!"
Year of Production: 2013
Running time: 6:13 min
Chris begins a series of madcap adventures across India, and gets hopelessly lost. Fortunately, his friend, Justin, is pursuing Chris and never stops until he finds him. Produced for Mission India of Grand Rapids, Michigan, this 2nd series across India has won numerous prestigious awards and helped spread the message of what Mission India is doing across that great land.
Ep 2: The Temple
Year of Production: 2013
Running time: 4:22 min
Chris begins a series of madcap adventures across India, and gets hopelessly lost. Fortunately, his friend, Justin, is pursuing Chris and never stops until he finds him. Produced for Mission India of Grand Rapids, Michigan, this 2nd series across India has won numerous prestigious awards and helped spread the message of what Mission India is doing across that great land.
Ep 3: Roopa
Year of Production: 2013
Running time: 5:51 min
Chris begins a series of madcap adventures across India, and gets hopelessly lost. Fortunately, his friend, Justin, is pursuing Chris and never stops until he finds him. Produced for Mission India of Grand Rapids, Michigan, this 2nd series across India has won numerous prestigious awards and helped spread the message of what Mission India is doing across that great land.
Ep 4: Unexpected Help
Year of Production: 2013
Running time: 5:11 min
Chris begins a series of madcap adventures across India, and gets hopelessly lost. Fortunately, his friend, Justin, is pursuing Chris and never stops until he finds him. Produced for Mission India of Grand Rapids, Michigan, this 2nd series across India has won numerous prestigious awards and helped spread the message of what Mission India is doing across that great land.
Ep 5: The Dipping Ceremony
Year of Production: 2013
Running time: 7:04 min
Chris begins a series of madcap adventures across India, and gets hopelessly lost. Fortunately, his friend, Justin, is pursuing Chris and never stops until he finds him. Produced for Mission India of Grand Rapids, Michigan, this 2nd series across India has won numerous prestigious awards and helped spread the message of what Mission India is doing across that great land.
Ep 6: Lost and Found
Year of Production: 2013
Running time: 4:32 min
Chris begins a series of madcap adventures across India, and gets hopelessly lost. Fortunately, his friend, Justin, is pursuing Chris and never stops until he finds him. Produced for Mission India of Grand Rapids, Michigan, this 2nd series across India has won numerous prestigious awards and helped spread the message of what Mission India is doing across that great land.
Ep 7: Celebration
Year of Production: 2013
Running time: 6:08 min
Chris begins a series of madcap adventures across India, and gets hopelessly lost. Fortunately, his friend, Justin, is pursuing Chris and never stops until he finds him. Produced for Mission India of Grand Rapids, Michigan, this 2nd series across India has won numerous prestigious awards and helped spread the message of what Mission India is doing across that great land.
Ep 8: Finding Lost People is the Business of God
Year of Production: 2013
Running time: 8 min
Chris begins a series of madcap adventures across India, and gets hopelessly lost. Fortunately, his friend, Justin, is pursuing Chris and never stops until he finds him. Produced for Mission India of Grand Rapids, Michigan, this 2nd series across India has won numerous prestigious awards and helped spread the message of what Mission India is doing across that great land.
Justice For All (4 min)
Year of Production: 2010
Running Time: 4 min
Justice for All, based in Rock Valley, Iowa, has been working for justice ... for all, for over 30 years now in places like Juarez, Mexico, Cary, Mississippi, Nashville, TN and many other locations. Working across denominations and race, JFA is the hands and feet of Jesus.
Justice For All (14 Min)
Year of Production: 2010
Running Time: 14 min
Justice for All, based in Rock Valley, Iowa, has been working for justice ... for all, for over 30 years now in places like Juarez, Mexico, Cary, Mississippi, Nashville, TN and many other locations. Working across denominations and race, JFA is the hands and feet of Jesus.
Timothy Institute (with Korean Subtitles)
Year of Production: 2012
Running Time: 4 min
The Timothy Institute does leadership training around the world, and they have a track record to prove that their method works!
Timothy Leadership Training
Year of Production: 2012
Running TIme: 10:08 min
Timothy Leadership Training Institute, though based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is having a global impact as they work with partners around the world to train leaders. The results of their work are quite remarkable. Watch, and find out.
Timothy Leadership Training (Short Version)
Year of Production: 2012
Running Time: 4 min
Timothy Leadership Training 4 Minute Version
The Luke Society (short version)
Year of Production: 2012
Running time: 4 minutes
The Luke Society 4 Minute Version
The Luke Society
Year of Production: 2012
Running Time: 8 min
The Luke Society, HQ'd in Sioux Falls, SD, works with medical professional around the world. This story is from Senegal, West Africa
O Lord God
Year of Production: 2013
Running time: 3:50 min
"O Lord God" (Pavel Chesnokov (1877-1944) as performed by the Dordt College Concert Choir.
YALT focus on Word of the Cross Church, Florida
Year of Production: 2012
Running time:
YALT asked Prairie Grass Productions to produce two videos that explore churches doing an excellent job of attracting and retaining the 18-30 year-old demographic. This video highlights what Word of the Cross Christian Reformed Church is doing in South Florida.
Find the discussion guide and video here: http://yalt.crcna.org/resources/
YALT Profile on Living Water Church
Year of Production: 2011
Running Time: 12 min
YALT (Young Adult Leadership TaskForce) is doing a series of profiles on churches that are doing an excellent job of attracting and retaining people in the 18-30 demographic. This story focuses on Living Water Christian Reformed Church in Orange City, Iowa.
After the Storm: World Renew (CRWRC) and the Tsunami
Year of Production: 2010
Running time: 4 min
On December 26, 2004, a tsunami struck India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. Nearly 300,000 people lost their lives. Within days, CRWRC was on site. Nearly 5 years later, they are wrapping up work, and what a work they've done!This four-minute piece is a brief celebration and explanation of some of the things CRWRC has been doing in Indonesia for the past four years.
Cary Christian Center, Mississippi
Year of Production: 2011
Running time: 3:30 min
The Mississippi Delta is one of the poorest regions in the United States, even though it contains some of the richest soil in the nation. Cary Christian Center has been working in the midst of this poverty for decades, bringing real and lasting change to generations of people.
Engineering at Dordt
Year of Production: 2014
Running time: 2:47 min
A whole series of short videos where students/faculty talk about their department and why it's important to them. These are posted across Dordt's departmental webpages.
History at Dordt
Year of Production: 2014
Running time: 1:53 min
A whole series of short videos where students/faculty talk about their department and why it's important to them. These are posted across Dordt's departmental webpages.
Music at Dordt
Year of Production: 2014
Running time: 1:11
A whole series of short videos where students/faculty talk about their department and why it's important to them. These are posted across Dordt's departmental webpages.
The Fourth World-Trailer
Year of Production: 2012
Running time: 2:12 min
www.fourthworldfilm.comWhat are slums?A blight?A curse?Or are they the lifeblood of a city?This feature-length documentary in gorgeous HD attempts to answer these questions, and find out who slum dwellers really are. With one in six of us now living in slums--and projections of that number to triple in the next few decades--we ignore the message of this film at our own peril.
"The Fourth World" has won awards around the world and has been broadcast on television on several continents. The film is in negotiations currently with The Discovery Channel.
Rehoboth Christian School (9 min)
Year of Production: 2010
Running time: 9 min
Rehoboth has been working among the Navajo and Zuni for 100 years now and some amazing things have happened. As they move into Act II--the 2nd 100 years, they are poised to see even greater transformation. This 3.5 minute video is a great summary of what's happening in Gallup, NM.
Rehoboth Christian School (3 min)
Year of Production: 2010
Running time: 3:30 min
Rehoboth has been working among the Navajo and Zuni for 100 years now and some amazing things have happened. As they move into Act II--the 2nd 100 years, they are poised to see even greater transformation. This 3.5 minute video is a great summary of what's happening in Gallup, NM.
Dea Lieu
Year of Production: 2012
Running time: 6:25 min
Dea Lieu's ministry and work is to fight poverty in his native Ivory Coast. His task right now while in the United States is to battle kidney failure. Please take a moment to hear his story. Thanks.
(Dea did return to Africa to continue his ministry. He eventually succumbed to complications from his kidney failure. He leaves a wife and children in Ivory Coast.)
Hoar frost
Year of Production: 2012
Running time: .30 seconds
I shot the hoar frost this morning with a Panasonic AF100, Olympus Zuiko 12mm lens on a 5' Glidetrack. Avid, MagicBullet Looks 2
Students without Borders
Year of Production: 2011
Running Time: 12:20 min
Every year, thousands of college-age students travel to the United States to attend college, and every year, those same students have to learn to negotiate a brand new culture. Many do it with a sense of humor and good will. For others, it can be quite frustrating. But what can American college and university students do to ease the way a bit, make the transition easier for our non-American friends? In this video, Dordt College students ask those questions, and uncover some surprising answers.
Solar Eclipse
Year of Production: 2012
Running time: 57 seconds
The camera is just to the west of town, shooting West, of course. This time lapse covers from approximately 8:10 to 8:30 pm.
SPICE: Semester Program in Contemporary Europe
Year of Production: 2009
Running time: 7:23 min
If you're looking for a way to spice up your college life, look no further! SPICE is a one-semester program that will give you unbelievable opportunities for learning and growth. You'll be based in Zwolle, Holland. The Christian University there will give you classes in Dutch culture and language and in one of several tracks that you choose. You'll spend time in Provence, France, and depending on your track, in Ukraine. Weekends are for being with friends, and travelling throughout Europe.One of the best parts of SPICE is the home stay. You'll be part of a Dutch family for one semester. You'll ride your bicycle to class-just like all the other Dutch students--and make international contacts that can benefit you for years to come.Check out more at www.dordt.edu/spice.
This Video won a 2008 MarCom Platinum Award for excellence, and a 2008 Silver Davey Award.
Unity Christian High School
Year of Production: 2012
Running TIme: 4:46 min
On the edge of the prairie in N'W Iowa is Orange City. Unity Christian has been influence young people here since 1964. Unity recently launched a building campaign to add a beautiful new Performing Arts Center not only for the school's use, but for the entire community.
Zuni Pueblo
Year of Production: 2009
Running time: 7 min
Created to highlight the work Christian Reformed Home Missions has been doing among the Zuni people for over 100 years now. This fiim takes you on a fascinating tour of the culture and history of the remarkable Zuni people, and the growth of the church among them.
Zuni Pueblo (3 min)
Year of Production: 2009
Running time: 3 min
Created to highlight the work Christian Reformed Home Missions has been doing among the Zuni people for over 100 years now. This fiim takes you on a fascinating tour of the culture and history of the remarkable Zuni people, and the growth of the church among them.
Rock Valley Christian School
Year of Production: 2010
Running time: 6:45
Rock Valley Christian School has been doing an excellent job of educating young people for over 100 years now. See how this school on the Iowa Prairie is making a difference, and doing it with style!
Orange City Christian School
Year of Production: 2010
Running time: 6:53
Orange City Christian School has been serving the community for over 100 years, and there's no sign of letting up!
Where the Red Rock Ends (7 min)
Year of Production: 2009
Running time: 7 min
Created for Rehoboth Christian School on the edge of Gallup, New Mexico, and for Christian Reformed Home Missions, "Where the Red Rocks End" tells the story of what this school is doing among the Navajo and Zuni people of New Mexico. Featuring stunning landscape and scenery from this region near the border of Arizona, "Red Rocks..." will give you a new appreciation for Navajo culture and history.
Where the Red Rock Ends (3 min)
Year of Production: 2009
Running time: 3 min
Created for Rehoboth Christian School on the edge of Gallup, New Mexico, and for Christian Reformed Home Missions, "Where the Red Rocks End" tells the story of what this school is doing among the Navajo and Zuni people of New Mexico. Featuring stunning landscape and scenery from this region near the border of Arizona, "Red Rocks..." will give you a new appreciation for Navajo culture and history.
Classis Red Mesa
Year of Production: 2009
Running time: 10:51 min
This 10-minute film was made for both Classis Red Mesa in the Gallup, New Mexico area, and for Christian Reformed Home Missions, headquartered in Grand Rapids, MI. It's the story of what God is doing through the Navajo and Zuni believers in that part of the world.
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Dordt College Graduate Education Program
Year of Production: 2009
Running time: 6 min
Dordt College has a wonderful Master's Degree program in Education. This video was produced to highlight the program and what it offers.
Year of Production: 2008
Run Time: 7:23
SPICE is Dordt College's Semester Program In Contemporary Europe. It's a fascinating and wonderful semester where you live in the Netherlands, but travel across Western Europe. This film was made in 2008 and a few options have changed since then, but this video gives a good idea of some of the things you will experience on SPICE.